January 02, 2008

I love my MOLLE Light

I just received my new Molle light from you, in black... I LOVE it. Why don't you promote the compass under the cap? Very nice addition. I would have liked the RED filter but I guess it's only available on the desert tan model. Blue will be OK. I truly wish you would make/sell it in bright orange plastic for all the "Coastie's" who need to carry a light on their vest [PFD]. Cost Guard Auxiliary also. There are thousands of them. Anyway, thanks for making a GREAT product.

Will Smith with PentagonLight™ MD3R in "I am Legend"

Many have inquired about the weapon light that Will Smith has on his rifle in the movie "I am Legend". The light he has on is a MD3R LaserLight. Product information on MD3R is available at http://www.pentagonlight.com/item_detail.cfm__id.365

PentagonLight X2 Product Review

Hot new review on the latest revision of PentagonLight X2 Handheld Light from Australia http://cops.com.au/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=25&Itemid=9